Sunday, March 23, 2008

Yeah, right.

From the L.A. Time's this week in response to the Blair Letter...

An “idiotic plan” to add Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters as well as an American tribute scene to Disneyland’s It’s a Small World represents a “gross desecration” that would “bastardize” the stylized artwork and “marginalize” the original theme of the boat ride, wrote the family of the classic attraction’s creator in an open letter to Disney executives.

Disney officials said some additions — known as “plussing” in Imagineering parlance — will be made to Small World but that no decision had been made on specific creative changes to the 14-minute ride despite the speculation.

“No one approaches our classic attractions with more reverence than Disney Imagineers who take great care when refreshing beloved attractions,” said Marilyn Waters, a Disney Imagineering spokeswoman. “As with all our classics, any enhancements made to It’s a Small World will be in the original spirit of celebrating the children of the world.”

Yep, just life all the additions to Pirates of the Caribbean, including music from the movie and the realistic new animatronics, blend with the original attraction. And the new Spaceship Earth stays true to the spirit of coming together to shape the future through communication and understanding. The esurance commercial and endless black tunnel are right what the original designers had in mind. Screw You Disney.

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